Starting Bioinformatics from Zero as a Biologist

Webinar Description

Sponsored by IEH Laboratories & Consulting and the IAFP Student Professional Development Group

Help! You're a food microbiologist embarking on an RNA or DNA-sequencing project for the first time. Where do you start? What tools should you use? What do all these new terms mean? Can you do this on your laptop? What is Linux, anyway? We'll answer these questions and more in this one-hour webinar meant to provide you with some of the vocabulary and resources you will need to develop a game plan for learning bioinformatics.

Google drive folder with helpful information:

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Professional Development Groups

  • Student Professional Development Group


  • Andrea Etter, Presenter Assistant Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Vermont
  • Jessica Chen, Presenter Microbiologist, IHRC Inc.
  • Peter Cook, Presenter Post-Doctoral Researcher, Center for Food Safety, University of Georgia - Griffin
  • Lee Katz, Presenter Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Stephanie Brown, Moderator Graduate Research Assistant, University of Connecticut